Wednesday, June 17, 2009


that's what i'm doing this week: volunteering for the AFI and discovery annual documentary fest. funstuff. so now i'm WILDLY important, and a lot of really cool people are jealous of my life. no, really. so far, i've acted as a photographer--yeah, people, this is legit--liaison, and interviewer. i have yet to "run a set" and work at press/filmmaker registration. i know, you can't contain yourselves; you're that jealous.

i've also acted as DP panera wallah, and today i sat at the info desk for the international conference for four hours. okay, i confess: i'm less than a peon. the reason i didn't include a picture of myself in my volunteer "official garb" is because 1a) i don't think a picture of us is necessary in EVERY post, despite the pleas of the masses, and 2b) they only had 2xls and 3xls left, so i swim in green cotton each day.

but they give me movie vouchers, so i'm willing to feed people's ego, especially because they feed me amazing fajitas. actually, we discovered that those were actually for paid staff and director/filmmaker/press guests, but they were really good.

therefore, nick and i are set for a date this week. i'm sorely tempted by one called "enjoy poverty," which is a sick satire encouraging the exploitation of people's own poverty for profit; i also want to see a doc that follows two different families whose livelihoods are being destroyed by aid workers, as well as one more that interviews child soldiers and sex workers around the world. needless to say, nick LOVES when i get to pick the movie.

we did watch a sort of uplifting/lighthearted brazilian film last night so nick could practice hearing portuguese. i say, "sort of," because it takes place during the dictatorship, and the main kid's parents ditch him and his grandpa dies and his life is kind of messed up. it's all redeemed through soccer, though, so... well. nick actually managed to understand parts, so i say he done ril good.

sometimes [all the time] i wish i could be artsy and mysterious and reveal only bits and pieces of our life like some of my buds--take lindsay, for example. everyone thinks you're cooler when you don't wordvomit all over them. alas, i must be what i am. endure with patience.

ps, everyone who wants nick to post JUST ONCE before this blog dies, say, "aye."

1 comment:

Elder Peterson said...

it just looked so sad to see
"0 comments" after you asked who wants to have nick post just once , so i have come out of i don't know how to comment land to say "i do! i do!"
and this is actually jocelyn but i can't figure out how to get it to switch to my name...sad, but true