Monday, June 15, 2009

bonding with the natives

i know, two long posts within an hour. hush.

last night was pretty crazy-beautiful-neat. there's a couple in our ward--one of the two that are still sans little people--whose subcategories are named mike and shakira. mike was baptized in 2007 and has a doozy of a conversion story, ps. so, i decided shakira and i needed to be friends because her name is awesome, and nick decided he and mike needed to be friends because they both like to roll around in the dirt in big cars and shoot guns at nature. wow, that's my husband.

after numerous failed attempts to force them to be friends with us--aka, i kept losing their phone numbers and we never gave them ours, and we had no idea where they lived, so we couldn't physically sabotage them--we finally decided to invite ourselves over for dinner after church yesterday. they are cool kids!

after dinner and brownies--WITH SPRINKLES! WHO KNEW?--we were sitting around shootin' the breeze when mike asked us if we liked riding bikes. as this is one of the few forms of physical exercize we actually both love, we responded enthusiastically. he asked if we'd like a tour of downtown at night sometime, and we said that would be quite lovely. as mike is a doer, he suggested we leave right then. we complied. shakira had been sick for several days--we heard you quickly become very popular when you invite yourself over to a sick woman's home, especially when you bring a spicy stir-fry, so we thought we'd try it--so she decided to opt out of the bike tour. once there, i began to realize why...

as advertized, the tour began on the bridge behind the lincoln memorial. we thought we'd do a lazy loop of the main memorials and bask in the perfect temperature and utter lack of crowds, then head back for a dream-filled sleep. while we did cruise through the memorials and enjoy some gorgeous views, by the time we got to hains point overlooking the potomac--where, per tradition, nick and i decided to see where we stand with one another, and i found out he totally has a crush on me--i began to have my doubts. as we were cruising through roslin, virginia, i realized we'd been biking for 3 hours and i was rather sparkly on my forehead. we rode down canals and through woodland trails that were literally pitch black for long stretches--i only fell once, and it was a little fall, so i give myself major points here--and under and over bridges and through towns. mike was a prodigious guide, and we agreed when he said the only way to see the DC area was in the company of a local. i would definitely recommend it to anybody desiring to see the sights! and yes, i wore the same clothes two days in a row and decided not to brush my hair.

i forgot to mention that we drove to our starting point in this timid little contraption, which made us wildly popular with the city folk:

clocking into bed at 2am, i knew i'd sleep like a log. nick knew he'd be filled with envy of my snoring form when he woke up at 6:45. the truck's battery died yesterday, and he needed to buy a new battery in order to go to work. sometimes i'm okay with being a homebody...


Tasha said...

Your posts are hilarious! It sounds like you're having lots of fun and adventures. Is DC as scary as some people say? Perhaps Jeff and I will have to plan a trip up there sometime... What book are you reading? It's kind of tough being in a family ward where there aren't many without kids, don't you think? And I'm impressed by your domestication--I've taken up sewing too during my unemployment. Ooo, I also want your bread recipe--I'm tired of having those long, knead every 30 minutes for the next 3 hours recipes.

Unknown said...

you look like you are having so much fun!!! i wish my life was half as exciting...i shall try to be better...therefore, check it out.