Saturday, October 30, 2010

first rock climbing stint

er, sort of.

this is the DIY solution พ่อ came up with when presented with the problem of placing the edge tiles on the roof today:

yes, you're seeing that correctly. nick is belaying พ่อ down our roof. finally, our gear has been put to good use. more mountainous methods coming soon, to be sure. he called it a "safety belt" and, after the first foray, in which พ่อ just threw on the harness and started climbing up the roof (without a harnessed nick on the other side), he watched nick tie a figure-eight knot just once before figuring it out on his own. totally ready for a cliff. anyway, close-up:

you're seeing the brown side, by the way. it's my favorite. luckily, it's almost entirely obstructed by big trees and is facing the backyard/outhouse/storage shed/leftover tile pile.

here's nick being a mountain man:

and here's nick being a mountain man as seen from inside our bedroom, where it is all of a sudden quite shady, minus the peephole. weirdness.

this roof is getting an inordinate amount of attention. ready to move on to bigger and better things, like cementing the walls. these will be bigger figuratively, as pretty much nothing in the wholintire world is bigger than our roof. it's stinkin' eating our house.


Morgan said...

you have a roof!!!!!!!!!! and nick belayed someone down it!!!!!! I'm impressed. you guys are wholintirely awesome.

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

I can't even tell the roof is multicoloured. It looks great!