Friday, September 23, 2011

y'all's gotta lotta baking to do...

because we are, in fact, having a boy.


no joke, i was pretty sure this little parasite was a girl from day 1, but i seemed to be the only one. well over 90% of all opinions were heavily leaning toward boychild, and no one in thailand has even entertained the notion of a girl except for lone suphakhit whom we love, who might be a little bit insane (remember the watch guy?).

am i emanating maleness unawares?

the only way for me to explain my shock adequately is by saying that in one of my many... interesting dreams that night (tangent: my first trimester dreams were stranger than any i've had by an order of 10, and for anyone who knows anything about my dreams, you know that's saying something. i considered checking myself in somewhere. they have calmed somewhat and are now usually near the realm of possibility, if sometimes disturbing and involving animation), the ultrasound lady went on from, "oooh, eeesabooy," to tell us he was also african american and emitting lasers from his rear end--this we could see on the screen as he bobbed around my uterus like a screensaver, trailing sparks--and neither of these revelations were more surprising to me than his reproductive appendage. apparently, sometimes things like that "just happen."

so there it is. zerda's a manchild, and nick is smug in his accurate guessing, not to mention relieved that he's free to remain ignorant of what he deems the profound mysteries of young females for at least another little while. i am now acclimated to his HEness and am rather enamored. forgive me in advance for allowing the little man to overwhelm my world completely. i will try to remain a normal human on occasion, that ye may not be drowned in fetal obsessions from here on out.

for example, next post will probably include pictures of the world's biggest desk that พ่อ made for us, in addition to our tiny dining table, among other exciting projects that have been occupying my studly husband this week. get excited.


Stephanie said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of him! He will definitely be a cute little guy!

Jamie said...

That boy's gonna be a heartbreaker. Done deal.

Brock and Kate said...

yay you're having a boy! I love saying that.

tiare said...

boys are awesome i've heard!

kori and rhen brown said...

I'm so excited for y'all!!! Ugh, I can't wait to meet the little guy - cook faster!!!

kor (& rhen)