Monday, April 19, 2010

time for payback, sort of

okay, so i'm sick of seeing my corpse head every time my pages pop up. what a sweet husband i have. so, to take a brief respite from organizing, packing, and throwing things up on ksl (not as in vomiting), i will post revenge pictures.

these creations represent nick's attempt to bake your standard chocolate-chip cookies--tollhouse version, i believe. he had a craving, and as i refused to bake yet another sugarbomb after bedtime, he decided to take matters into his own hands. i overheard exasperated "DANGIT"s about every 37 seconds throughout the mixing procedure, and i was forced to point out that baking powder and baking soda are not, in fact, interchangeable. sadly, this was just after the baking powder can had been emptied onto the dough. nick remedied his mistake by scooping the powder out and immediately replacing it with a quarter of the box of soda. mmmm.

his face was pretty durn crestfallen when the first batch came out. he couldn't even pretend to enjoy eating them. i, however, could (pretend). in all honesty, they weren't horrible when they were hot. the next morning was a little different.

BUT in my sweet husband's defense, i was reading harry potter and the order of the phoenix to him, and it was about midnight. and while nikolai possesses innumerable talents, multi-tasking is not foremost among them. and he happens to adore HP. i made him read the first one with me about 5 weeks ago, and yes, we are already finished with HP5. i have an addict on my hands. for a good time, interrogate the boy on his dreams. last night's involved a duel with voldemort and a junkyard.

but back to these abysmal creations. as nick himself lamented...

heather would not be impressed.

love you, baby ; )


Morgan said...

hahaha, i like that last bit about heather not being impressed. well a failed batch of cookies is just another excuse for another batch of cookies, right?

Morgan said...

and stop calling yourself a corps! You're a babe and that's that. fair skin is considered by some to be the highest mark of beauty- trust me you're going to asia where they sell skin "whiteners".

Morgan said...

oops forgot the e on corpse- if you want to call yourself a corps then I'll shut up but corpsE is entirely inaccurate.

elyssa said...
