Tuesday, October 13, 2009

narcissistic musings--you know you love'em

first off, for all of you who left us comments on the last post, you are awesome. comments are NEAT. sometimes i even respond! just wait for it...

next item of business: i had my first longboarding experience, excluding the 10 minutes i spent in our dorm parking lot freshman year being pushed by kpax and falling over every 2 feet. last night, morgana and alex invited nick to cavort with them on the edge of the law, and somehow i got dragged into that equation, as well.

I DIDN'T FALL EVEN ONCE. and i rode on my butt for the first 5 minutes only. i don't mean to brag or anything, but i'm really quite studly.

also, we got to go with the cousin loganator to caldwell, idaho last weekend for general conference, where we camped with the grandparents and met up with cousin annie and her man MC, whom nick and logan called "the hammer" all weekend. hoorah and huzzah for general conference. there were so many amazing and incredibly pertinent talks given, and i just felt nice and fuzzy for days. the whole *application* part of the process is slower in coming, but hey. plus, we got to eat the classic truckful of "grandma food" all weekend, bumping nick up to a hefty 185 before we scooted out. thank you, lady mame and sir dale. we adore your company, your beds, your food, and your VHS copy of "overboard."

also, this weekend, i got to go to san diego for the GLOBAL FORUM ON HUMAN TRAFFICKING. really, i'm kind of a big deal. snort. maybe it's a bad thing, but my favorite part of the two-day conference was hanging out with my cousins after i got home each night. cuz they're funny stuff. next time i head to california--giving my obliging relatives a rollicking 24-hour notice, of course--i'm going to try not to be on crack when purchasing my tickets, because i spent 11.5 hours in transit on saturday, leaving at 10am and gracing vegas AND phoenix with my presence en route to SLC, arriving at 8pm. dear uncle craig informed me on friday night that there was a direct flight leaving sunday night. oh, how it would have been lovely to, you know, go to the beach or something ; ) many thanks to craig for badgering the airline ladies for i don't even know how many hours to get them to switch a flight for a penniless, starving student attending a conference for humanitarian work out of her own pocket, especially one that has been so recently bathed in swine flu at work... etc. it was a valiant effort much appreciated. 

craig is also cool because he makes really delicious bread, and i stole 4 slices to make cheese sandwiches--also stole the cheese--as my airport food. saved my life. uhmazing. i hear the process is much like incubating and birthing a living child, so, yeah, i'm impressed with his mad skills.

nick and silas took advantage of my absence and planned a MAN TRIP in the mountains. while i lounged in 85-degree weather, you can bet i was jealous of them as they scrambled up frozen precipices, ate camping food, and slept in a tent on top of really comfy rocks. silas's wife, heather, also envied them, while stranded for the weekend, as she tried to decide whether or not she was going into labor. turns out she wasn't. stay tuned.

as an extra treat, makenna and merrill were in provo this morning. sadly, i was in orem, where i work. so on their way to the airport, they stopped for 4.7 minutes in my school's driveway and let me meet baby sophie--adorable and still very tiny--and admire the very conked out boys. it's been so great to be able to see so many family members this week! i lovelovelove you all!

thanks for powering through to the end on this one. now i should probably start putting away the massive loads of laundry my sweet husband did while i was away. he is just so precious. or i could finish my book. 

choices, choices.


Alex and Morgan said...

YOU ARE HILARIOUS! i love that when I read your posts I'm actually sitting in your living room talking to you. You deserve some narcissitic musings! I couldn't be prouder of my new long boarding buddy; maybe we should do that for excersize! so cute, love this post.

Hayley said...

I know where Caldwell is. I feel special. Call me because I think you are awesome.