Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i already made new mailbox labels...

i’m sitting at my desk at work, totally and completely shluffing in order to write a blog post. i feel justified, because the phone has rung a grand total of 5 times today, and i’ve already invented several projects for myself today and completed them.

plus, my boss just hurled a pair of scissors at my head [insert sufficient pause for irony to set in] while i was drinking water upside down to get rid of my hiccups. although i almost had a heart attack, my hiccups persisted, but i appreciated her diligent efforts…

oh, and for those who were confused by the greasy lumps on nick’s plate in the previous post—as you well should be—those are definitely fish sticks. not only are they fish sticks, but they are the $5-for-a-giant-sack-of-fish-sticks-that-you-have-to-dig-out-of-the-bottom-of-the-freezer-at-the-store fish sticks, per request of the birthday boy. epicurean he is not.

we’ve been rather busy these last few weeks, which is why i’ve been a slacker poster. this past weekend, we drove up to new york with nick’s friend from texas for another texas buddy’s wedding. jordan and jessica were married on saturday in the palmyra temple, and it was really wonderful. everyone did a session right before the sealing, and that temple is so gorgeous! the stained glass is amazing, and it’s so cool to look out over the sacred grove. the session also set a great tone for the sealing, and i was really grateful to be reminded of all the crazyamazing stuff that comes with marriage. the bride and groom were super cute, as evidenced in the following photos:

[photos really will be here when i get home tonight; just use your imagination for now]

we were, however, extremely put out when they didn’t haul their butts out of the reception until ELEVEN PM, despite the 2-hour drive to buffalo that was to ensue. nick finally took it upon himself to carry jordan away and deposit him outside. i think they forgot that the main event of a mormon wedding—for the newlyweds, of course—isn’t exactly the reception…

in other news, i’m cutting all my hair off in 3 hours. expect some intense self-loathing and self-pity soon.

and now i must away, because i just noticed that the plants in the lobby are turning brown and sullenly drooping onto the floor. these suckers are so high-maintenance; apparently that whole water-every-monday thing was legit ; )




Lauren Kay said...

I can't wait to see your hair and also, I need your phone number. I'm in the DC area and I want to get together! Email me:

Lindsay said...

i totally feel ya on the wedding reception thing. at emily and kiels wedding, i thought theyd NEVER leave!!! i think she was scared.. ha

Tasha said...

Why are you cutting your hair? Can't wait to see pictures. When will you be applying for grad school and in what?