Thursday, July 16, 2009

whoohoo, vacation! let's blow stuff up!

nick and i have been really busy lately ditching work for trips. all that fun made me sick, i guess, so i'm barred from the office today, too. so here's to my solo barf girl house party!

we spent the weekend at my house, which was awesome possum. sunday saw 17 people frequenting camp peterson, including my grandma and grandpa, our friends from colombia, who brought gifts and were therefore allowed to sleep inside, and a surprise visit from nick's parentals. i said goodbye (legit this time) to ickle paulikins, and he gave a rockin' farewell talk--no worries, it was CLEARLY not a real farewell; we wouldn't dream of being so brazenly disobedient!--during which he asked, "can you feel my joy?" all the ladies in the family bawled their little eyes out, so that's either a big yes or a big no. let's go with yes. what a stud. I LOVE YOU, PAULIE!

*intermission* what a good husband is my nicholas: he left me some spicy stir-fry for lunch, and when i just got sick again after eating it--i know, it really surprised me, too--he suggested via text that i eat an otter pop to calm the beasts within. i was gonna go for bread, but he's definitely the superior mind; after just one popsicle, i feel better already! *end intermission*

we also got some photographic evidence that my whole family was together for at least a moment before paul left. keeping the horror factor out of family pictures is admittedly not one of our strong suits, but we managed on one or two, so mum was satisfied. there was also ample time for roasting in the sun and wakeboarding. all of these together = a stellar weekend.

nick and jonah, however, wanted a little something extra. okay, i'll drop the lies: jonah was definitely just a cover. nick spent hours and hours making rockets out of paper and tape and, oh yeah, a lot of black gunpowder. every once in a while, jonah would pop his head in and ask when nick would be done with that thing. behold the saga.

attempt #1
jonah's already worn out

attempt #2
a little more serious now, people

(launch not caught on film because the tools didn't TELL me they were setting it off! appropriate rage ensued, though, never fear)

attempt #3
bustin' out the big guns

move on over, october sky. this kid works at NASA!


Katie said...

Does everyone just walk around in their swimsuits at Camp Peterson? That's what it seems like from these photos..... Just wondering. :)

Tasha said...

Where is camp Peterson again? Your husband truly is a nerd if that's what he wants to do in his free time. No worries, mine is a medical nerd--which means he's always boring me with gibberish lingo I don't understand and constantly prodding me and freaking out about possible diseases I have. I think I would prefer the NASA nerd to the medical nerd...Oh well. I'll probably become that person at grad school.