Saturday, July 18, 2009

nick's birthday

was yesterday.

his breakfast?

cheesecake! ignore his bare shoulders and our really really really messy kitchen. just enjoy that face--he's blowing out the match, by the way. just want to avoid any confusion there.

his requested birthday dinner?

trying not to be offended, or to throw up. i obviously love him a lot.

dinner was followed by shawshank redemption, nick's favorite movie, which i'd never seen and always refused to watch whenever we'd go browsing for movie rentals--because i'd bought it in march and hidden it from him until yesterday. i'm pretty good.


lookit what he made me this morning:



Tasha said...

I'm impressed that you could hide the movie for that long: I always get too excited and end up giving away the surprise long before the event. I'm liking the match action--much cooler than candles. How old is Nick anyways?

Alex and Morgan said...

LOVE the face! ok, and you should really try to get to Cambodia. We didn't get to spend enough time there. its a fascinating country with a fascinating and tragic history and an amazing present. the people are so incredibly optimistic it makes me feel like a yuck bucket of self wallowing. plus its super cheap so you can totally go there. $6 a night at a super luxurious hotel (well that is by our standards- comfy bed, your own bathroom, and a fan). Anyway, love you and miss you. I got dreds yesterday and i hate myself so much for it. they hurt and they're disgusting! lov yah!

Laura C said...

Mmm..cheesecake for breakfast sounds amazing. :)

haha and I love blog stalkers, so stalk to your heart's content. ;)

Laura C said...

oh, and thanks:). haha

Matt Brown said...

I think Ms.Seckle's grandpa or something owns the prison from that movie. Nick clearly has good taste in film.

But are those corn dogs? I mean...really.