Tuesday, June 23, 2009

when in rome

nick's taken to saying this phrase multiple times a day when it's not exactly (or at all) applicable. it's really charming.

welcome to the morrill bakery. we've got focaccia, regular white loaf, and zucchini bread in the cake pan--cuz come on, who do we think we're fooling? the sandwiches were grilled veggies with a garlic-lime-garlic sauce and they were heaven. it was all gone in two days. sigh.

as the grand finale of my silverdocs volunteer experience, nick and i went to a screening on saturday afternoon that looked... odd--"episode III: enjoy poverty," by renzo martens. figure out a way to see it if you're at all connected to development issues. it may or may not blow your mind. expect heavy discussion afterward. the end.

sunday was spent in nursery. that's right, ladies and gentlemen--we now get to while away the instructive hours of our worship service in the presence of several under-3 tykes. it REALLY makes me want to have a baby SO bad... erm. two highlights: 1) during the "lesson," which was comprised of a smiley face that turned into a frowny face when flipped and the smile song, the only boy kept screaming "SAD! SAD! SAD!" and trying to flip the face during the "happy stories" and 2) when we were first settling into our posts, sprawled out on the ground surrounded by a plastic paradise, and nick started tossing a beach ball to the boy, so i went for a curly-haired blond kid who seemed stable enough, and she immediately began crying and ran to the corner for shelter. i really feel like i have a special gift with children.

nick got a really shiny gold rocket pin at work today. he's really starting to rake in the free stuff. last week brought us a complimentary NASA poster.

when i mentioned the fact that it was a design nightmare of catastrophic proportions, he said, "yeah. i've noticed that everything at NASA is designed really horrifically." after several moments' pause, he added, "you know, like, aesthetically speaking..." riiiight. promptly drafted mental note: never let my husband become an astronaut.

finally, my job is spectacularly thrilling. be jealous. i get to restock coffee and make copies to my heart's content! i also get to practice reading hindi for hours on end when i'm shunted to the back intern desk, which is totally fine with me. my absolute favorite part of the day, however, is answering the 60+ emails that come in every day. there are some CRAZY people out there. and i thank them for the diversion they give me. so if any of you receive completely unprofessional replies to your hrw concerns, know that that was me. definitely me. thank you.


Alex and Morgan said...

we were nursery leaders in Beijing too. i used to think i was good with kids, now i just glare at them while they cry and scream at me. Just kidding, it actually turned into a fun experience- snot and all. You guys are awesome! We miss you!!!

Tasha said...

I honestly think nursery is what the newlywed couples gets every time for at least a year. There are those days...we had one who would cry so hard he would throw up without fail every Sunday. They're adorable on most days. It's annoying that Jeff has the maternal touch and I just don't. Oh well, hopefully that will change with our own kids:)

Lindsay said...

jahdahhahadgfhbshfahahah you crack me up