Saturday, June 20, 2009

sugar is delicious

hello, loves.

let me begin by confessing that i have now officially worked in a bar. *gasp.* for some reason, the folks at silverdocs thought it would be a good idea to send the 21-year-old [and therefore, legal] mormon girl [and therefore, totally incompetent when it comes to alcoholic know-how] to set up and bus thursday's happy hour at the cinema lounge.

i was scheduled to work at registration. my day would've been filled with such innocuous activities as furniture moving and computerizing had i been allowed to remain amongst my 14-year-old cohorts in miniscule bum coverings, torn shirts revealing their shoulders and left bra cups, and super-shiny lip gloss the consistency of frosting. alas, it was not to be, and i was put in the back of a white van and hauled to jackie's. luckily, the driver was fond of racial slurs and off-color jokes involving my refugee-like status, crouched in the back of a van full of set paraphernalia. also fortunately, they decided to pull out all the stops and provide me with the special heated van, so i was nice and vile upon arrival.

i suppose i'm just gonna have to say it: FILM PEOPLE HAVE THE BIGGEST EGOS IN THE WORLD. no offense, tom. exceptions to every rule, no? but my goodness, people are insane! especially when you give them mass amounts of free alcohol! and the sponsors were livid at every moment, yelling and cursing because there wasn't enough crab going around fast enough. i tried to explain to them that this might be because as soon as people realized they were FREE, they'd take several, spilling all down their clothes and onto the floor because they had two drinks each and refused to take napkins, so my supply was constantly disappearing as soon as i stepped onto the floor. one sponsor [late 50s or way too many drugs, spiked platinum hair, hot pink bra, sharp nails] liked to yell at me and tell me to work faster, forgetting that i didn't work for her, i was a volunteer, and i haven't been in a bar since i was 18, and that was in brazil.

i actually had to hide in the liquor closet so i could call nick and tell him where to meet me... and she actually came in there trying to root me out to yell at me for not clearing people's drinks fast enough. wow.

anyway. really, it ended up being a rather fun evening. i was talking to the sound guy, and when i said the whole bar scene was rather foreign to me, he just looked at me, very confused, and said, "well, so, what do you like to do for fun? i mean, if you don't go to bars... what do you do?" the neat thing about being surrounded by people who think my lifestyle is beyond weird is that i suddenly appear WILDLY imaginative to my peers.

ps, grand news: i now have permission to work for free! i start at human rights watch on monday, and i am psyched. human rights watch? really? yes. office peon and freelance researcher, i believe my official title is. yeah, baby.

we're cleaning today. we made the decision definitively last night when a giant beetle disturbed our movie in the final [very intense] five minutes of our movie. while i was disgusted and horrified by nick's method of extermination--taping it to the futon and then becoming engrossed in its strength to the extent that he failed to kill it for several minutes--he found the experience educational and fascinating. i bet nobody else's husband referred to bi-stable mechanisms while brushing his teeth last night. anyway, off to rid the place of extraneous inhabitants. way to be a trooper and see this thing to the end!

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Congrats on the working for free gig (isn't this normally called an internship?). And navigating the bar/movie snob scene.