Wednesday, June 3, 2009

dear corner grocery, how do i love thee?

let me count the ways! in no particular order, other than that in which they entered my brain:

ONE. i've never seen another piece of white toast in there before. it's the only place i've ever been in the US where i've been pointed at while shopping. more than once. it is awesome.

TWO. the back corner is dedicated to dead or dying seafood smothered in blood and ice. yesterday's delicacy involved a giant tub of flailing blue crabs. nick's new assignment is to figure out how to prepare a 13-lbs tilapia with searching eyes.

THREE. THE BAKERY AISLE. oh, dear semita rellena and quesadilla salvador!

FOUR. i feel popular. one store clerk invited me to be his wife and go to el salvador with him when i answered him in spanish, and another man invited me to be his cook as i was looking at the different african flours. so, yeah--i have back-up options.

FIVE. the meat guy sings really loudly and winks. nothing more needs be said.

SIX. everybody's super polite. i think "ladies first" is this month's mantra.

SEVEN. the prices are delicious!

EIGHT. there's basically an african aisle. it is pretty rad. a bag of dried crawfish, a bag of ground peanuts, a bag of ground smoked shrimp, and we're good to go. what more could anybody want?

NINE. fresh herbs! fresh herbs! in giant bundles, smelling delicious and costing less than those tiny plastic containers in every other grocer store! oh, it is heaven!

TEN. did i mention it's on the corner? oh, sweet proximity...

PS i realize it's obnoxious to post all the time. nick and i started this as a replacement scrapbook, however, so that we can have some sort of record of our lives, because we both know there's no way in heck this woman is making a scrapbook in the next 20 years. so i'm going to try to post all the time. neener neener.



Lauren Kay said...

I love this post! I was giggling to myself about the winking/singing meat guy, and I love cute little shops. I always feel good about myself when I help local businesses too!

Sara Emily said...

FYI - it is soooo not obnoxious to post all the time! I think it's a great idea and a great way to keep memories. That's what I'm dong because I was awful at keeping babybooks/scrapbooks/journals, so mine is all 3! I'm still bad about posting as much as I should, but it's all good. I love that once I get tons of posts I can have them all printed in a book - that'll be awesome! It's fun to read your antics anyway. :)