Monday, September 26, 2011

food. and stuff. nope, just food.

here's what's been occupying the other 10th of my brain pretty consistently: foodfoodfoodfood! this is exciting, because it's a first in the last 4 months. cheering and jubilation! except now i would give almost anything at almost any time for a giant slice of really rich, really moist multi-layered chocolate cake. we've already gone through 2 bags of dove dark and a half a bag of mediocre dark chocolate chips. this is very bad, but luckily, nick eats at least as much as i do. that boy has the sweet tooth of a woman, even when she's preggers, apparently.

but moving on! behold, the cuisine of the morrill fam as of late:

this was my first "northern" creation EVER. and, much to my surprise, it was AMAZING. fresh cumin root, lemon grass, garlic and lil red onions, superspicygrilled red peppers... delish bamboo and chicken with fresh mint and sticky rice? yes, please. i inhaled it.

this morning's breakfast. sorry, dad--but this is what real fried rice looks like. smirk. except i forgot to add the lime slices and crispy lil fried onions before snapping the picture. how i've missed those freshly smoked peppers and spanish peanuts.

a breakfast from mornings past; yes, that was all mine, and yes, i ate more than one pancake. i dare you to judge me. nick made goulash in our fancy-pants rice cooker with wheat berries and 8 thousand other grains and nuts and berries, and it was super delish hot with milk. not very thai. but delish. ditto for the wheat bran/chocolate chip pancakes with fresh mango on top. nick is, as always, the breakfast master.

and the pizza master. how many pictures of weird pizzas are on this blog? too many. especially because nick's always making that dismayed face at them. oh, well. and finally:

bring it, southeast asia. your inconveniently located and overpriced western ingredients are no match for my cravings.

not pictured: green curry. i've become a whiz, and you would pass out from its deliciousness if you could taste it. promise. also, naam phrik ong, this spicy tomato mushroom stuff you eat with sticky rice. yeah, baby. and all the other food we eat, for which i'm sure you're all grateful. but food is once again a central focus in my life, so i wanted to share my excitement.

the end.


Jamie said...

Okay. I declare a cook-off. My man's Malay food vs. your Thai. Come home, cook, go back. Feed me. And that baby. :)

heidi peterson said...

nice glasses nick. throw us a better picture.