Tuesday, February 1, 2011

this is how i feel this morning:

and then i realize that nobody's telling me to do anything, and that's my real beef with the world.

why can't someone come be the boss of me, already?

i'll be back when i'm done wallowing in my angst. shouldn't take too long.

(photo from the ever-interesting this guy.)


lauren said...

is that his brain??? ewwww.

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

How the HECK do I be the first to comment? you posted this SIX minutes ago and already Miss Lauren is on the ball!?

Makenna said...

Go clean you contacts!

Im picture blogging because i have a New awesome phone that lets me post a picture with a few clicks. Its awesome!

Jamie said...

I feel the same way. Once in a while I'd appreciate a road map to be sitting on my dining table in the morning telling me exactly when, where and who with I should be conducting my next life activity.

That'd be great...