therefore, behold:
toddler roof
skipping pre-pubescent roof, because, like its future inhabitants, our roof went through a camera-shy phase at this age. or i just didn't take any good pictures... unlike the rest of these, obviously.
roof just emerging from the crisis of raging puberty
blooming adolescent roof,
featuring nearly-headless nick and ballerina พ่อ
really bad photo of the 2nd really scary bug nick found (captured moments ago by yours truly as he flopped and scuttled away, impervious to the tile shard nick was using to try to kill him)
whoops, that one isn't part of this series!
stay tuned for college grad roof, due monday. we should move on to contributing adult roof by the middle of the week, but people have said the same about nick and me, and we have yet to watch that happen, so who knows.
until next time. cheerio, dahlings!
ps, despite what blogger thinks, it's saturday. you people are living in the past. come join us in the future--i'll make you thai pancakes!
wow, i want to back home nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! 5555
Go to see this, He is farang but can sing a Thai old old old old song. 5555 so fun!
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