our bathroom and kitchen are performing beautifully. behold.
okay, i realize i should stop with the "behold" business, but i can't get it out of my head. mum: was it heidi or jonah that went through that phase?
the bathroom now has a real floor instead of very small rocks.
and we have countertops! stinking massive countertops! don't even try to pretend like you're not seething with jello-green envy over this kitchen, because we all know that's a big fat falsehood. it's held together with sticks! actually, those are just the molds for the cement slabs we poured today.
notice the fireworks of awesomeness exploding from these counters (possibly the result of the arc welder being employed directly above). i'm so in love with them, in case you haven't caught on yet. at least once a day i just stand there and stare at them. see photo, but know that i'm not just watching meh (henceforth known as แม่) and paw ken work; we were discussing tile options. the only real reason for putting this photo up here, though, is that it makes me look skinnier than i am. at least i'm honest. and i really do stare at the counters a lot.
also, the kitchen is on the front porch. apparently this is just as weird in thailand as it would be in the states, but we definitely didn't come up with the idea. พ่อ said we should put it there, and we agreed--by the way, the part about it being outside is not weird; just the frontness of it is--but now whenever someone comes over and asks, "what the --- is that? what are you doing?" พ่อ laughs and says something about those silly white people and their preferences. it's entertaining. and i don't even care if it's weird, because it's going to be amazing. and in case we run out of money, we can put up a sign that says, "american food for sale," and run a patio restaurant like half our neighbors. what's not to like?
tired. just got back from FHE with several people from church--sister doi made us an incredible amount of spaghetti, garlic bread, yellow curry with uhmazing vinegar/cucumber relish, and peach cobbler with coconut ice cream. i almost died. and now we're tired and full and going to SLEEP RIGHT NOW.
ps the font fixer is currently on crack. sorry if you feel like i'm shouting at you.
Whenever I read your blog, I'm a little jealous that you're out of the country living with your hubby. Since they are building you a house, how long do you expect to live there? You are having a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
can't wait to abide in said house.
and behold comes from Tom as far as i can remember!
I think I just cried a little bit. Actually, I know I did.
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