floor process:
aren't they beasts? too bad they had to do that like 45 times. those planks were heavy, i promise.
which is why nick was ecstatic to discover that our yard is teeming with coconut trees (i don't know how he never noticed this before; i've even made fresh coconut milk for dinner before--a blog post in and of itself, fo sho--but i suppose that is beside the point), and has subsequently done a lot of machete-wielding during breaks.
more dragging of the planks into their respective "rooms."
finished product, with the added bonus of a photo of พ่อ's friends, who apparently are master builders, taking a snack break to admire their efforts.
the wire-tying (yeah, it wasn't actually finished. i fibbed).
here's the actual finished product. i don't know how we managed to fail to get a single photo of the cement mixing, pouring, and smoothing process, but apparently we did, or there are too many other photos on this card hiding them. either way, my assistance went into the patio/kitchen floor (that part at the bottom that, at the time of this photo, was not done). i am pleased with my cement mixing and transporting skills, yes. thank you for asking.
plus, a look at the bricklaying that happened for the past few days:
yes, he did actually lay bricks. i just made him stop the madness for a second to look cute for the mommies back home.
PLUS, sneak peek at what's happening RIGHT NOW... while i prepare mentally for the afternoon of roof tile scrubbing that awaits. i'm so excited. oh, right, picture:
boom, baby. those is our windows. plus one sexy bricklayer--aside from the guy on the left, of course. paw pen is cool and all, but i think i still prefer nick, mostly due to his hot bod and flannel.
I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWOWWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! It's almost t be a House!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!! I want to back home and see it by myself :)
p.s when i'm back hope it done, eiei :)
That is way too exciting.
You know my mother took a career aptitude test in high school that old her she was destined to be a brick layer. HA.
Honestly though Elyssa this is incredibly fun! I can't get over how exciting your life is these days!
It's really real. I mean the concept of a house is so cool but the actualization is even cooler! You guys are not only home owners, you are home builders. Amazing!
To the Master bricklayer and roof scrubber! Way to go! That happened fast once the dreaded "firm foundation" was set. Super exciting! Skype soon so we can talk all about it. Maybe you could take the computer out and we could see it live! Call when its day there and night here! I know, on break time. (:
Love you guys. Miss you like Crazy!!!
Mom and Dad
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