i just wanted to know if anyone has ever seen a dirtier dress shirt collar than this one:
i'm going to bet not, because your husband probably doesn't drive a motorcycle to church. suckahs.
your laundry room is probably not on the cement blocks that constitute your back porch, either.
BUT you probably DO find these in your husband's shirt pockets EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. am i right? am i right? the dirty sneak.
just remember, everyone, when he gets diabetes, it will not be my fault. i have physically restrained him from the ice cream shop down the street far more than once.
oh, and for kicks and giggles:
it's a baby roof! held together by nick's arc welding. everyone pray together now.
just kidding. nicholas bess, i love you more than i love ข้าวซอย. like, a lot more. and i love your dirty shirts, too. thanks for working so hard on our little house! and for not getting mad that i made that wall in the bathroom really crooked, saying that it will add character and act as evidence that we really did build it. you are cute.
It's really coming along! How exciting!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I really did laugh audibly at this! which reminds me, don't let me forget to tell you about the burnt underpants. and yes, i too find the candy wrappers in my husbands pockets- i though girls were the sugar fiends. at least if they both get diabetes they can suffer together.
AWESOME! do you know how cool you are? you're building a house!!! AND you're doing laundry on a cement block! good night. i would never survive!! once again...you are too cool.
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