Sunday, March 7, 2010

valentine's day

was almost a month ago. and that's how i know i'm wretched at blogging. i almost care enough to change my ways, but until then... carry on without us, i guess!

nick's blogging debut, below, is a result of his massive pride in figuring out how to pacify this raging beast. i must say, he deserves a pat on the back. he's been the most excellent husband in the world for the whole of 2010 thus far.

par example, valentine's day. for some reason, i thought we weren't really going to do valentine's this year. i have no idea what gave me this idea, but i definitely had it. this is what i did for nick:

SURPRISE! a cheesecake! for the record, this is what i always do for nick for a "special occasion." he worships them, they're easypeasy, and for some reason he was still somewhat surprised and delighted by it. so, hoorah.

this is what he did for me:

(okay, so the restaurant pics are from, eh, november, when we discovered spicy corea on university near center street--if you haven't been, GO! the food and service are fabulous, and it's so cute and fun and cheapy cheap, AND they give you all those delicious "side dishes" for FREE with endless refills. they're a meal in themselves. go. but oh yeah, we DID go back with silas and heather and tesla for v-day (...eve, ha). we just didn't take any pictures, so may those suffice. end tangent.)

he also got me a giant beautiful world map, which is so awesome and somewhat random, which gets extra points ; )

so here comes the heinous confession: i have misplaced my wedding ring. i'm not even going to go into it, because the basic outline is that i am an idiot, and it makes me really, really sad, but I'M GOING TO FIND IT, but in the meantime, nick did something really, really thoughtful. that ring is of his own creation from a wee antique silver spoon, fashioned in the physics lab and our kitchen floor. and he kept it an absolute secret until sunday morning, when he presented it to me and asked me to stay married to him.

as a side note, the little leaves totally remind me of a.a.wilne's classic pooh, and as we both just read the tao of pooh for some thailand prep, this ring is the most perfect reminder that i need to be a better taoist. fabulously, being a better taoist will make it more likely that i'll find my original wedding ring, which was also extremely thoughtful.

so then i did this:

there you go, mum. after all your years of being so sad you don't get to see me kiss, voila. i still don't understand, though. apologies to everyone else.


Jamie said...

What a thoughtful husband you have. And what a beautifully delicate and so Elyssa-esque ring!

Congrats on staying married!

Lindsay said...

why do you have the best husband in the world. ugh. i love that ring. and i love the tao of pooh!

Heaths said...

you guys are gorgeous. your cheesecake is beautiful. nick's ring is beautiful. when you leave i will cry.


nick said you're still sick but feeling slightly better? i hope so. and if you want cookies, just text me. :) we have more dough in the fridge, i was actually going to bring you some when i made them yesterday but i wasn't sure if the sight of them would make you vomit or not. (they're the same ones you made the other night...i loved them so much i wanted them again. silas really likes them too! i don't know why i was never adventurous enough to try baking with whole wheat flour before. you've inspired me.)

Elder Peterson said...

I went to all the work of figuring out how to comment just to say....
what's more interesting than you two kissing is noticing the shirt nick is wearing!

Janthony said...

So I might blog stalk you. Hope you aren't thoroughly creeped out.

And Nick-- that ring is amazing!

Linds said...

Awesome. Nuff said. Good luck on the ring hunt, and if it makes you feel better, I've lost approximately 5 rings that, at the time I lost them, I wore everyday AND my mom lost her original wedding ring for good. Therefore, I dont judge you :D

Also, cheesecake recipe?!? helloooo!