Tuesday, November 24, 2009


happy thanksgiving, y'all! we're taking off for cali in two hours, and we're psychedpsychedpsyched (and our apartment is dirtydirtydirty, but as soon as i finish here, i'ma clean it up! cuz we're members of the clean apartment club now! it's foreign and exciting).

stealing this from lau. watch it, if ya likes.

enjoy! un post vrai when we return from the BEACH, concerning my thoughts on public education and how we stifle children (oh, goodie!), recent adventures and the office addictions, and our painting party we had with morgan and alex, where nick painted this guy:

because he likes when children are sad. art is sooper fun, and we love it. ps, photos of the finished product of nick's amazing drawling skills also to follow. get stoked.



Sara Emily said...

Your energy is awesome elyssa! :) Your posts always make me smile even if I dont' fully understand them. Love you!

Dave said...

I want the pictures from the trip to MY families house! and to see the painting Nick did with that SAD boy.
(this is Makenna not Dave)