Sunday, July 18, 2010

the end of the draught

literally--it's finally started raining cats and dogs here, and it's miraculous. the temperature drops 10 degrees instantly. the only downside is the immediate infestation of giant flying termites at every storm's close. we're talking thousands of skittish brown beasts. yuck. except the thais disagree: they collect them, fry them, and eat them. they're a beloved treat, quite expensive if you don't hunt and prepare your own. mmmm. we've tried only the fried crickets thus far. something about the crispy little legs, antennae, and wings just... well. although we must admit the flavor is quite tasty.

but it's the end of the blog draught as well. here are some old posts as well as some new ones. hope you enjoy. and please know that we adore and miss you beautiful people. come visit us! we'll be in our own apartment or house by mid-august... so come! doesn't a trip to thailand sound like exactly what YOU need? ; )

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