Friday, October 16, 2009

i have a dilemma.

but first, please note the cleanliness of my living room [minus recording paraphernalia]! this is a big deal!

[look! a ghost! on my laptop! hehehe...]

it's called the "i want to do music but am intimidated by my lack of skills in the execution arena, especially when it comes to recording, because i'm extremely embarrassed by anything and everything that comes back at me on itunes, because my voice cracks and flies around, and i can't keep a beat, and every single thing i write sounds exactly the same" dilemma, a phenomenon quite common among college students, i believe.

i think it's because i'm an anal-retentive perfectionist "whose self-deprecating humor makes her well-liked among her peers" (thank you, dear high school counselor, for your recommendation letters that got me into college), who is more afraid of criticism than she is excited about "art."

also, it's quite often not exactly about the music for me, as anyone who's heard it might guess.

sadly, peon that i am, it's more about the word vomit, the need to expel thoughts and feelings that hurt or embarrass me. and for some reason, it seems like a good idea to stick them to power chords and record them for my family to listen to at illegal volumes early in the morning when company comes to visit.

the other half of my dilemma is that i don't know how to work the firebox. 

my brother paul always did the techie part of this endeavor, and now he's in finlandia, useless to me in my time of need. it never seemed like all that involved of a process, but now cubase just keeps beeping at me and saying i have no input, when i clearly do. two inputs, in fact. i wish i weren't so dumb. i smell a job for nikolai coming on...

those are my self-absorbed and irrelevant thoughts right now, not set to power chords, but still embarrassing. hooray for the internet!


Lindsay said...

ive heard your music and i really love it so please dont give up. i wouldnt say that if it werent true so dont think im saying that just to make you feel better. i dont do that kind of stuff... hah

Unknown said...

Mamie and I love your music; Make More Girl!
Love You,
g peterson

Matt Brown said...

Haha, your self absorbed posts always make me laugh Elyssa. I am a particular favorite of the word vomit set to power chords...I remember listening to your word vomit set to the piano a few years ago, and hilarity ensued. I'm the guitar would be similar.

But the firebox is a temperamental beast. Can't help you there.

(ps i changed my blag address to The bossman let me have it back. just fyi)

Unknown said...

Elyssa - are you serious!!?? You are the ONLY person on the planet that would listen to your recordings and question the talent. This is one time that you need to IGNORE your own instincts. Let 'er rip girl, and do it NOW while the ideas are in there and you have time. I know you are busy, but the fast train hasn't actually plowed into your life yet - you still have control of the wheel! Take it and go do all the things you can think of...really...GO!

Unknown said...

Are you still here? I said GO!!!

Elder Peterson said...

Hmmm. . .
variable voice, no uniform time ticking to every song so a drum machine doesn't work, similar sounds to songs with angst . . .
I think Tori would say the exact same things about her music.
(And I think she doesn't suck)