Thursday, June 11, 2009

sometimes we wear really wrinkly clothes in public

for anyone thinking i got a job because i stopped posting convulsively, don't worry--i'm still totally unemployed. it's just that i started reading a really interesting book. yay for growing my brain!

the week has been lovely, with a trip on saturday to the air and space museum so nick wouldn't feel entirely clueless at work anymore. the knowledge we gained has also been quite helpful when conversing with small children about wall-e and night at the museum 2, so, bonus. this is nick in his office. lies! but that would be neat, huh.

also among the breathtaking activities of this week was a trip to ikea. after wandering around the store--that place is huge; oh my gosh--for an hour and a half, with 9pm approaching quickly, i asked nick, "why are we here?" apparently, we were searching for a clothes rack so he wouldn't have to do battle with the miniature closet every morning to extract his extra wrinkly pants and shirt for work. then we discovered the self-serve area, which looks and feels exactly like home depot. all of a sudden, nick was at ease. we found a $7 rack in about 4 minutes, and he was very relieved. i thought we were just looking for a good time out on the town one dreary tuesday night, but really, we were doing intense mental battle with ikea's evil organization scheme. nick prevailed, of course, because he is the smartest. the end.

as for me, i am not the smartest. i've caused people to swear at their office interns for letting me in to badger them with employment proposals. whoops.

and even though nick IS the smartest, sometimes he lets his giant work laptop fall out of his backpack right in front of his supervisor and makes it explode all over the floor just as they're about to go home. when that happens, his supervisor doesn't think he's the smartest, and then he leaves two really long messages on my phone saying he wants to crawl into a hole and die and why won't i pick up the phone so i can listen to him being so embarrassed???

basically, everyone on the east coast thinks we're both really, really smart and cool and interesting. how could they not? i mean, look at what these megabrains do for a good time:

art AND drama, kids! cuz we're COOL like that!

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