Wednesday, May 27, 2009

nick's big boy job

so the daily blogging is not going to be the norm. i just need to take a break from internet job postings. they are satanic. everyone pray that, very soon, some fabulous agency is going to descend from the heavens--or from downtown--and recognize that they can't save the world without me.

also, i haven't quite gotten us caught up yet. because we do, indeed, now consider ourselves to be locals of the DC metro area. it doesn't take us very long to abandon our homes; nick was referring to this place as "home" when we were still in ohio, saying, "hey, when we get home, can we set up such-and-such?" our self-bestowed title also requires little to no knowledge, seeing as we had to use the GPS to find the metro stop by our house. yeah, we're cool.

speaking of, we're trying to acculturate nick while we're here, so we took a jaunt about the national mall on saturday, after a trip to the temple--yay! he was privy to numerous firsts:
first ride on a metro,first look at lincoln's big shoes,
and first understanding that DC is not its own country.(yay for learning!)
i love that boy for many reasons, but his historical and political savvy is not one of them.

also, on sunday, we got to head to virginia for nick's last greenie's homecoming. i actually met jonathan freshman year, so that was fun. his family was amazing and invited us home afterward to join the family luncheon--after they broke into our truck because we locked the keys in there before church. i seriously don't know how we even make it out of the house each day with all our clothes on.

finally, nick started at NASA yesterday, at the goddard space flight center. what a big boy! according to his day one experience, he thinks he's really going to like working there. they seem really laid-back and eager to let their employees decide which projects they're going to work on and when. we live below our landlords, and the husband works at NASA, too, and when nick asked santiago what people wear to work, he just looked down at himself and shrugged. "i wear this, sure, it's cool?" ... he was in an old discovery t-shirt, khaki shorts, and birkenstocks. i think that's the basis of nick's decision that NASA is a good workplace. they also have a library and a convenience store, which, apparently, is another great boon.

i learned not to take the beltway home. it took us 20 minutes to get there on regular joe roads, and i accidently turned onto the beltway on the way back, clocking in at home a good two hours after we left. whoohoo.

time to return to responsible life. time to hit up the metro and start banging on people's doors!



Lauren Kay said...

I'm glad you have a blog, I'm glad you found my blog and I'm glad you're in DC! When I finally get out there (July) we will have to play!

Sara Emily said...

So jealous you guys are in DC!! I love that temple, but I have only been able to go and do endowments there once. Hopefully once the kiddos get a little older we will be able to make some more roadtrips out that way! congrats to nick on his job! How exciting!

I'm glad you guys are doing so well. :) We sure do miss you and your family here in our ward tho!

mackenzie said...

i like reading this. let's meet up at the templs sometime or something!