Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ah, eviction it is, then.

once i'm done boo-hooing my heart out, i'll start focusing on things like eating cranberries at thanksgiving. and having a washing machine. and not having to deal with immigration anymore. all good things.

how crazy has this ride been?


kate said...


I was just thinking about you guys earlier tonight.

the fact that ya'll took the ride is so respectable and has had me admiring you for so long.

but hey, the states are rad too.

plus grandmas like their grandbabies near.

Janthony said...


Now you can go to grad school? And build a house next to our farm. Yes. Please?

Briana said...

oh. my. I can't believe you're coming back!!! So I've been religiously stalking your blog for the past few months, but everytime I'm tempted to post a comment they want me to give all this information and I am deterred, remaining a silent observer. I can be silent no longer. I just want to let you know A) you and nick are still my married role models :) B) your 'in which i expostulate on the sweetness of life' post was beautiful and if you remember that, you'll be good. I wish you the best of luck with these next crazy adventures. You guys are awesome. And, let's be honest. Thanksgiving in the states just isn't the same anywhere else ;)

tiare said...

one things fer sure....your life is not dull!
love your perspective. i have yet to rejoice so easily when predicaments rear their ugly faces.
i love the colors of your room. the bedframe color reminds me of your momma. the limegreen curtains belong in my home!
bed rest huh? i'll have to send you a list of must-read books.
you're in our thoughts and prayers. much love. safe travels.
P.S. i wonder if your eviction is due to prayers of grandmas that want their grandson to be a little closer......

Who Is Courtney? said...
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Who Is Courtney? said...

Sister, I am so sad and so happy at the same time. I am sad you have to leave such a wonderfully enriching life experience, but I'm also happy that we'll be able to get closer geographically and emotionally (we'll braid each others hair). We should skype again soon. PS-Tom and I totally got married just to put all of this in place(Except for the contractions part...we're crafty but not evil).

Unknown said...

sad day. they are really kicking you out? That is so lame. but this means you are moving back to UT right? RIGHT?

Jamie said...

Not sure what to say. Everything happens as it should end up to be.

On to a new adventure!