Monday, May 10, 2010

hey from taipei

the effects of 24 hours of travel. aren't we BEAUTIFUL!?
hey duders.

we're in the taipei international airport awaiting our connection to bangkok in an hour or so. we just ate some delicious noodles at a bar for $6. yum.

for breakfast on the plane here, though, the flight attendant asked if we'd prefer the omelette or the porridge. nick acted like this was the biggest DUH decision ever, but it turned out that most of our fellow passengers picked the porridge. i must say i'm glad i went with the omelette, because the porridge inexplicably contained seaweed, shrimp, and an orange crumbly powder garnish. the smell was an excellent complement to our strawberry yogurt.

anyway. loves to everybody--next post from chiang mai, thailand!!


Jessica said...

Good choice... it would be horrible to be barfing and dry heaving on the plane!

Heaths said...

aw we miss your faces! you guys are so cute. and so well-traveled. look how legit you are.

i hope you have an awesome time and please keep us updated so we can feel lame as we bask in your coolness.


LOVE you!

Morgan said...

yahoooie! We're so so so so happy and relieved you are on your way and everything has worked out. I'm glad you picked the omlette too :-)

Maya said...

good choice! hope the rest of your flight was great! :)

Alarie said...

I had Thai food the other night... thought of you!